- Card payment
- Fast bank transfers
- Link to a third-party payment method.
More about ThePay
ThePay is one of the most widely used alternative payment methods, and over time it has also developed into one of the generally most widely used payment methods in our country. It offers regular card payments as well as payment buttons with express bank transfers. You can also pay with a QR code or Bitcoin, for example.
Thanks to one payment gateway, you can solve everything only once. One contract with simple online confirmation, one administration, one billing… and on the other hand up to 18 payment methods. Give your customer convenient and fast payment for goods to ensure higher conversions. Because not only the price but also the methods of transport and payment are important for customers when deciding where to buy.
Features that your customers will welcome
Recurring payments and remembering cards
It is essential for the e-shop to build a base of loyal and regularly returning customers. Even allowing your payment gateway to remember the card and pay in a second can help.
Pre-authorize and block a payment
If you do not have the goods on the e-shop in stock, the client can simply subscribe to them. The payment will be blocked and only after storage and sending is the payment actually deducted. This can take up to 7 days, or the money can be unblocked back.
Payment via URL link
You can easily use the gateway outside the basket of your e-shop. All you have to do is send the client a URL link that redirects them directly to the payment gateway to pay the amount.
QR codes
Online QR code scanning makes online payments even faster. You scan with your mobile phone and you get paid in a second.
Responsive payment
Mobile and tablet payments were the future a few years ago. Today, they are almost the rule. ThePay also thinks about these devices and the payment gateway is therefore fully responsive. It displays just as well on the large computer monitor and the small display of a mobile phone.
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- K propojení budete potřebovat: ID projektu, ID obchodníka a Heslo. Heslo je třeba nejprve vytvořit kliknutím na tlačítko „Generovat nové heslo“.
- Výše uvedené údaje zadejte v adminu UPgates pod Nastavení / Objednávky / Platba / ThePay/ Specifikace platební metody