• Links products to a blog, online magazine or other content
  • Choice of 20 design templates
  • Customize the look and feel for placement in different environments
  • Replacement products for when products are out of stock
  • Automatically update data when a product is changed on the e-store
  • Display of promotional prices, buttons, stock, images

What is Product Widgets?

The Product Widgets add-on allows you to connect your e-shop with internal and external content. With its help, you can easily create a menu of your products that can be embedded in blog articles, online magazines or on any website. 

Who will Product Widgets help and how?

  • E-shop owners
    Do you run a blog and want to get more orders from it? Product Widgets allows you to insert a clickable banner with relevant products from your e-shop anywhere in your articles. This way, you can first explain to the reader why they should buy the product - and offer it to them right away. By non-violently linking information and assortment, it works reliably. Convince yourself.
  • Marketers
    Do you have clear KPIs from your clients and are wondering how to meet them? Or even exceed them? The Product Widgets add-on can help you do just that. You can insert tracking codes and then track how much money each article makes. By evaluating the data, you'll know what works for your target audience and what doesn't. And you can then use this to create and implement your content strategy.
  • Web developers
    Looking for a way to offer related merchandise and embed items from your e-store anywhere on the web? The Product Widget add-on takes the worry out of manually creating, updating and syncing existing widgets. In addition, you can customize the complete visual appearance of all widgets exactly to your liking via custom CSS.

“Product Widgets is one of the best add-ons I have installed on my eshop. Once created, the widget can be inserted not only in blog articles, but also in product descriptions (accessories, components, etc.) and it is no problem to transfer it to wordpress, for example. Common widgets for different products are also great, e.g. for articles with product comparisons, or widgets for a specific product variant. For me, a hit, all user-friendly."
Ondřej Vítek, barvyvespreji.cz

What are the features of Product Widgets?

  • Any number of products in the widget
  • Random selection from a category
  • Replacement products in case of sale
  • Twenty design templates
  • Setting custom text in front of the price
  • Button color and text settings
  • Custom UTM parameters
  • Opening links to a new window
  • Display product image and variant
  • Customize the appearance with custom CSS
  • Displaying promotional price, stock, rating and short description
  • View, click-through and CTR statistics

Top 5 benefits of Product Widgets

  • Easily connect content and product offerings - bring your customers closer to you and allow them to seamlessly navigate from relevant content to your store.
  • No importing or manual creation - when creating widgets, you just select from the products on your store.
  • Automatic data updates when the data on your e-shop changes - for example, if you sell out of an item you're promoting through Product Widgets, the add-on will automatically replace it with another one so you're not offering a product that's no longer available.
  • Easy to install and intuitive to use - activating the add-on, setting up and creating widgets is a breeze.
  • Track and evaluate success rates - by inserting a tracking code to the widget from Google Analytics, you can see how many orders each article brings you.

"Awesome add-on for adding products to text. It will find use not only on a blog."
Jan Synek, penezenky-ahal.cz

You can simply become part of the Upgates family of e-shops too.