• The largest price comparison engine for baby supplies & toys in the Czech Republic.
  • Export products using Heureka feed.

We are a comparison site focused on selling children's goods from the Czech Republic. We support Czech manufacturers and the distribution of their products on Pidio.cz. However, you can also find products of world manufacturers of toys and accessories for your little ones.

An integral part of the site is our community forum, where you can join the discussion of our visitors, or our advice section. In the advice section, you should find everything you need to solve all your problems together with certified experts or specialists in the field.

In our bloggers section you will find interesting and recommended by us bloggers in the field of motherhood and personal counseling.

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  • Enter the code "upgates4babies" when registering.

You will then not be charged for advertising on the Pidio comparison site for three months. 

You can simply become part of the Upgates family of e-shops too.