Upgrade to version 2.0
System update to version 2.0 brings several enhancements to streamline your work:
- Change the graphics and ergonomics Administration
- Move Communication and Contact modules under CRM menu
- Split into groups of contacts for better filtering
- Manually add a note to a contact (in Communication module)
- The possibility of adding conversion code to each pages, articles and news
- Move Backlinks module under Content menu
- Backup module (Settings / Main) for backing up your project database
The proposed modifications of graphic template:
The possibility of adding conversion code: subject to change no. 5
The conversion code you place in the administration must be displayed in the source code of a Web part of project. Thus shown the conversion code will be detected by search engines. Make the following adjustments to the graphic templates:
- templates / Category / homepage.phtml - add in the end of code: {$category->seo_conversion}
- templates /Category / view.phtml - add in the end of code: {$category->seo_conversion}
- templates /News / view.phtml - add in the end of code: {$new->seo_conversion}
- templates /Page / view.phtml - add in the end of code: {$category->seo_conversion}
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Upgrade of version 1.0