
The e-shop is a completely natural effort to manage your own warehouse. However, there are cases where this is not the most economical solution. The warehouse itself is associated with a number of fixed costs. In some cases, the so-called fulfillment is more advantageous, which is gaining in popularity in e-shops.

What is fulfillment

Fulfillment is a comprehensive solution where the owner of the e-shop leaves the logistics of an external company. It can cover a wide range of activities from shipping and sending packages to handling complaints and returns. Fulfillment is especially advantageous for smaller e-shops that do not have a very wide range of products. These are companies that do not pay to hire employees for this job, but at the same time do not want to be in charge of the complete processing of orders themselves.

On the contrary, it is not very suitable for e-shops with a specific assortment. This could be, for example, partly custom production, fragile goods or products with a high proportion of handwork. Here, it is logical that the owner of the e-shop wants to have the expedition completely under control.

The company providing fulfillment has know-how and sufficient robustness to divide the costs of its operation into individual e-shops using fulfillment. Ultimately, there may be a properly chosen fulfillment cheaper than the actual shipment of goods.