Changelog 4.1

Verze 4.1.111 (21.05.2024)

Correction Changed files

Adjustment of different alignment for headline type 2

Default system styles

Verze 4.1.108 (15.05.2024)

Correction Changed files

Editing video attachments for products

Default system styles

Verze 4.1.107 (10.05.2024)

Correction Changed files

Fix listing of optional add-on unit.


Verze 4.1.106 (10.05.2024)

Correction Changed files

In SNIcontainer data-next-items attribute completion of quotes.



Verze 4.1.105 (03.05.2024)

Change Changed files

Moving the buttons in the 2nd step of the order up a layer so that they are not overlapped.


Version 4.1.104 (02.05.2023)

Change Changed files

Correction color selection when hiding a color

Default system styles

Version 4.1.99 (25.04.2023)

Change Changed files

Changing the size of the texts in the article

Default system styles

Version 4.1.95 (19.04.2023)

Change Changed files

Correction the display of arrows in the carousel

Default system styles

Version 4.1.93 (11.04.2023)

Change Changed files

Image size of subcategory with longer name

Default system styles

Version 4.1.92 (04/05/2023)

Change Changed files

Indent the category name from the image

Default system styles

Version 4.1.91 (04/05/2023)

Change Changed files

CLS Optimization

Default system styles

Version 4.1.88 (28.03.2023)

Change Changed files

Poor pop-up banners


Added white-space: normal; to .nav-link

in default styles

Default system styles

Edit condition for displaying Quantity.


Popup videos will not be written to the lightbox.


Version 4.1.86 (22.03.2023)

Change Changed files

The note on the archive product has been removed.


Added a condition - if the contact menu is a dropdown (there are subcategories in it), then the contact menu itself will not link anywhere.


Modified meta data for prices


Version 4.1.85 (18.03.2023)

Change Changed files

Replaced price formatting macros formatInvoicePrice with formatOrderPrice



Enable formatting for payment note (description)


Version 4.1.84 (11.03.2023)

Change Changed files

If a product has variants but no main variant set, and the display is products-list-4, the product inventory should not be displayed.


Version 4.1.83 (03/01/2023)

Change Changed files

Added link to pro image for subcategories - layout 1.


Version 4.1.82 (28.02.2023)

Change Changed files

Optimization for product title text wrapping

Default system styles

Version 4.1.80 (08.02.2023)

Change Changed files

Cancelled the animation of the button in the banner. Only the animation on his cover is left.


Added missing condition, for long text logo styles. The size will now be adjusted correctly.

Default system styles

Version 4.1.79 (05.02.2023)

Change Changed files

Added condition logo_h1 => false to include header-toggled.phtml


$logo_h1 variable created in the file to display h1 from various include in header.


Links appearing just like articles. The first 10 and then the "Next" button.

Default system styles

Version 4.1.78 (29.01.2023)

Change Changed files

Added condition "$show_prices" to show sorting by prices


Editing the right column - display only if there is more than one article




Alignment of buttons on the product card in the case of a border.


Hiding the line in the active menu. Moved to critical styles



Version 4.1.74 (23.01.2023)

Change Changed files

Change the hiding of your account in the header of the template.

Default system styles

Editing block of texts for responsive banners. Added class .text


Version 4.1.73 (22.01.2023)

Change Changed files

Added condition for duplicate display of clock #length


Version 4.1.72 (16.01.2023)

Change Changed files

Change display the lowest price variant

Default system styles

Version 4.1.70 (11.01.2023)

Change Changed files

Change in .MenuOnTopMargin styles setting if banner6 is selected

Default system styles

Version 4.1.67 (11.12.2023)

Change Changed files

adding .img-fluid to images with .img-thumbnail

Default system styles

Version 4.1.64 (28.11.2023)

Change Changed files

In the condition (type == "card-group-max"), remove the hidden article from the calculation

Default system styles

Version 4.1.63 (22.11.2023)

Change Changed files

Fix z-index in open left menu

Default system styles

Version 4.1.60 (2.11.2023)

Change Changed files

Search term optimization

Default system styles

Version 4.1.59 (1.11.2023)

Change Changed files

Changes to a variable $pricelist->max_limit_raw


Version 4.1.58 (27.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Added class flex-shrink-0 to link around image


Version 4.1.57 (25.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Fixed the position of bookmarks on the product detail when scrolling

Default system styles

Fixed role in bookmarks for better accessibility








Added labels for readers to the icons in the footer




Added a block, in which the main banner button is located and can be aligned. Using the variable $is_button


Version 4.1.56 (18.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Fixed a system error after modifying the cache configurator

Default system styles

Version 4.1.55 (16.10.2023)

Change Changed files

"CARD_CZ_COMGATE" added to card payments field.


Version 4.1.53 (10.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Added a condition for the enable button immediately after loading the page, in case of setting steps_type == "multiple"

Default system styles


Version 4.1.51 (6.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Added XS display to button display condition.


Version 4.1.49 (5.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Added a duplicate check for videos added to the lightbox.

Default system styles


Version 4.1.48 (4.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Fix for missing exclamation mark before URL listing


Version 4.1.47 (3.10.2023)

Change Changed files

Changed priority for the .tile that sets the background

Default system styles

Version 4.1.46 (22. 9. 2023)

Change Changed files

Change in the loading of the $module->prices variable - the minimum price is taken into account in the case of multiple product variants.



Adding Unit of Measure display condition with variant_table meta



According to display $showLength, added $options to condition.
