Changelog 4.0

Version 4.0.30 (1. 6. 2023)

Change Changed files

Added class .text to class .ftr_pay for the correct display of cookies bar.


Version 4.0.29 (26. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files

Fixed unwanted clipping of 3D animation. Removed and adjusted variable wrapper {!$product->meta->gallery3d}


Fixed photo loading in mobile view.


Version 4.0.28 (17. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files

Fixed duplicate view of order recap in cart.


Version 4.0.27 (12. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files

Fixed content alignment in product search

Default system styles

Version 4.0.26 (10. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files


{control hpMenu rootCategoriesIds => $hp_menu_number, templateOptions => $templateOptions}


@{var $hp_menu_number 2}
@{if $top_into_left_yn}
@{var $hp_menu_number 1}


Version 4.0.25 (9. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files
Correction in the variable $module->prices and $showFromPrice - display of the main price. /templates/components/product-top-desc.phtml
Editing the Next button in product search. Default system script /scripts/functions-v4.js

Version 4.0.24 (5. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files
Fixed condition to exit elseif $homepage. /templates/components/products-list_4.phtml

Version 4.0.23 (5. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files
Adjusted logo layout in all headers so that the link is only to the logo image, not the logo text.
In headers 2,4 and 5 changed z-index of _hdr_bglogo to 10.
Header 5 - moved the contact menu from the left side to the right in the top header bar.

Version 4.0.22 (2. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files
Modification in styles - change of z-index in ._hdr_bglogo .
._hdr_top - adding pointer-events: none.
Adding pointer-events: auto at ._hdr_top .navbar-nav
Default system styles

Version 4.0.21 (2. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files
Fix the Next feature in the product list. Unbinding the boxes/table view switch. Bound to data-product-list-type. /scripts/common.js

Version 4.0.20 (2. 5. 2023)

Change Changed files
Added .mb-5 for _hdr_alert on pages other than the homepage for better indentation from the following sections. /templates/@layout5.phtml
Adjusted original price display to crossed out by adding class. /templates/components/product-top_2.phtml - struktura 2

Version 4.0.19 (28. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Fixed Lazy Loading in banner for all slides except the first one in bnr-main. Added link with rel="preload" attribute for visible slider. /scripts/common.js

Version 4.0.18 (25. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Moving SNIcontainer and data-next-items="{$sni}" to the parent container. /templates/components/news-box_2.phtml
Fixed top menu alignment in CSS styles - didn't work for responsive XL. Default system styles

Version 4.0.17 (25. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
For SidebarIcons added to html z-index using class zin-9. /templates/@layout.phtml

Version 4.0.16 (24. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Added a condition for the Best Sellers section, now accepting settings from the homepage. /templates/components/top-offer_3.phtml

Version 4.0.15 (21. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Adjusted display condition for labels in product detail. /templates/components/labels.phtml
Added foreach loop for hidden input, ensuring correct submission of dynamic form. /templates/components/dynamic-form.phtml
Editing for lazy load banner images from carousel.on('', function () { to carousel.on('', function () {. /scripts/common.js

Version 4.0.14 (20. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Translation {'All results'} changed to {'Show all results'}. /templates/components/header-toggled.phtml

Version 4.0.13 (20. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Setting the default value of the input for the quantity/metre (if not filled in) to the value 1 and at the same time validating the add to cart button. It is performed in the following cases:
  • if no minimum length is specified and stepping is selected,
  • if the stepping type is multiples and no multiples or minimum length are specified.
Change the default system style box-shadow for class form-control. Added option to deselect configuration when type is text or image. Default system script /scripts/functions-v4.js
Change color settings for product labels. /templates/components/labels.phtml
Modified class in selected section containers. /templates/components/headlines_1.phtml

Version 4.0.12 (19. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Made some minor adjustments to the default system styles. Canceled in fluid banners max-width for containers. Padding-left/right is set in the case of sections in a container. Default system styles

Version 4.0.11 (19. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Adjusted font boldness in the first level of the left menu. /templates/components/left-menu.phtml
Change arrow for entering the quantity/value in the product detail initSpinnerUpDownButtons. /scripts/common.js
Changed behavior of class .lrs to enumerate individual children. Default system styles
Change function Enlargement of the main image of the product. /templates/components/product-top-photo.phtml
Default system script /scripts/image-zoom.js

Version 4.0.10 (18. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Adjusted color settings for product labels. Now the color of the label set in the e-shop administration has a higher priority. If the color is not set in the administration, the color of the label from the Designer is used. /templates/components/labels.phtml

Version 4.0.9 (18. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Inline condition of $showFunctions variable changed to classic. /templates/components/products-item.phtml

Version 4.0.8 (18. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Editing the notification in the page header _hdr_alert. /templates/components/header.phtml

Version 4.0.7 (18. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
In the banner, corrected for SLIDE - IMAGE, wrong entry of class in the image in the condition for $slider_settings->resize_type. /templates/components/banners.phtml

Version 4.0.6 (14. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Error in class name _hdr_alert. Edited from the original class .alert-header. /templates/components/header.phtml

Version 4.0.5 (14. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Added Add to Cart button in Recently Visited section. /templates/components/products-last-visited.phtml
Fixed the display of the text footer for the cover banner even when the short banner text is not displayed. /templates/components/banners.phtml

Version 4.0.4 (14. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Removwd class .d-xl-none from div .SearchShow /templates/components/header-toggled.phtml
Changed the close icon for pop-ups to be more prominent. /templates/components/popup.phtml

Version 4.0.3 (13. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Error in position:fixed. Added !important. Default system styles

Version 4.0.2 (13. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
The main cover banner now has a background image filter with no blend overlay and 60% opacity. Canceled image blur. /templates/components/banners.phtml
Modified input for entering the yardage in the product detail. Editing content in {block #length}. /templates/components/product-top-order.phtml
Instead of class .ov used .abs within the display input type file. /templates/components/dynamic-form.phtml

Version 4.0.1 (13. 4. 2023)

Change Changed files
Fixed the link to a specific product in the On inquiry popup for availability on the product comparison page. /templates/Compare/view.phtml
Adjusting the position of the slide when moving to the next slide in the main banner. /templates/components/banners.phtml

Version 4.0 (12. 4. 2023)

Availability of new Version 4.0 graphic templates in the Designer and code editor.