Changelog 4.0
Version 4.0.30 (1. 6. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Added class |
/templates/components/footer_1.phtml |
Version 4.0.29 (26. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Fixed unwanted clipping of 3D animation. Removed and adjusted variable wrapper |
/templates/components/summary-total.phtml |
Fixed photo loading in mobile view. |
/scripts/common.js |
Version 4.0.28 (17. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Fixed duplicate view of order recap in cart. |
/templates/components/summary-total.phtml |
Version 4.0.27 (12. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Fixed content alignment in product search |
Default system styles |
Version 4.0.26 (10. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
/templates/Category/homepage.phtml |
Version 4.0.25 (9. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Correction in the variable $module->prices and $showFromPrice - display of the main price. |
/templates/components/product-top-desc.phtml |
Editing the Next button in product search. | Default system script /scripts/functions-v4.js /templates/components/products-searched.phtml |
Version 4.0.24 (5. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Fixed condition to exit elseif $homepage . |
/templates/components/products-list_4.phtml |
Version 4.0.23 (5. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Adjusted logo layout in all headers so that the link is only to the logo image, not the logo text. In headers 2,4 and 5 changed z-index of _hdr_bglogo to 10.Header 5 - moved the contact menu from the left side to the right in the top header bar. |
/templates/components/header.phtml |
Version 4.0.22 (2. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Modification in styles - change of z-index in ._hdr_bglogo .._hdr_top - adding pointer-events: none .Adding pointer-events: auto at ._hdr_top .navbar-nav |
Default system styles |
Version 4.0.21 (2. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Fix the Next feature in the product list. Unbinding the boxes/table view switch. Bound to data-product-list-type . |
/scripts/common.js /templates/components/products-list_1.phtml /templates/components/products-list_2.phtml /templates/components/products-list_3.phtml /templates/components/products-list_4.phtml |
Version 4.0.20 (2. 5. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Added .mb-5 for _hdr_alert on pages other than the homepage for better indentation from the following sections. |
/templates/@layout5.phtml |
Adjusted original price display to crossed out by adding class. | /templates/components/product-top_2.phtml - struktura 2 /templates/components/product-variant-table.phtml |
Version 4.0.19 (28. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Fixed Lazy Loading in banner for all slides except the first one in bnr-main . Added link with rel="preload" attribute for visible slider. |
/scripts/common.js |
Version 4.0.18 (25. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Moving SNIcontainer and data-next-items="{$sni}" to the parent container. |
/templates/components/news-box_2.phtml |
Fixed top menu alignment in CSS styles - didn't work for responsive XL. | Default system styles |
Version 4.0.17 (25. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
For SidebarIcons added to html z-index using class zin-9 . |
/templates/@layout.phtml |
Version 4.0.16 (24. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Added a condition for the Best Sellers section, now accepting settings from the homepage. | /templates/components/top-offer_3.phtml |
Version 4.0.15 (21. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Adjusted display condition for labels in product detail. | /templates/components/labels.phtml |
Added foreach loop for hidden input, ensuring correct submission of dynamic form. | /templates/components/dynamic-form.phtml |
Editing for lazy load banner images from carousel.on('', function () { to carousel.on('', function () { . |
/scripts/common.js |
Version 4.0.14 (20. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Translation {'All results'} changed to {'Show all results'} . |
/templates/components/header-toggled.phtml /templates/@layout.phtml |
Version 4.0.13 (20. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Setting the default value of the input for the quantity/metre (if not filled in) to the value 1 and at the same time validating the add to cart button. It is performed in the following cases:
/templates/components/product-top-order.phtml /scripts/common.js |
Change the default system style box-shadow for class form-control . Added option to deselect configuration when type is text or image. |
Default system script /scripts/functions-v4.js |
Change color settings for product labels. | /templates/components/labels.phtml |
Modified class in selected section containers. | /templates/components/headlines_1.phtml |
Version 4.0.12 (19. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Made some minor adjustments to the default system styles. Canceled in fluid banners max-width for containers. Padding-left/right is set in the case of sections in a container. |
Default system styles |
Version 4.0.11 (19. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Adjusted font boldness in the first level of the left menu. | /templates/components/left-menu.phtml |
Change arrow for entering the quantity/value in the product detail initSpinnerUpDownButtons . |
/scripts/common.js |
Changed behavior of class .lrs to enumerate individual children. |
Default system styles |
Change function Enlargement of the main image of the product. | /templates/components/product-top-photo.phtml Default system script /scripts/image-zoom.js |
Version 4.0.10 (18. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Adjusted color settings for product labels. Now the color of the label set in the e-shop administration has a higher priority. If the color is not set in the administration, the color of the label from the Designer is used. | /templates/components/labels.phtml |
Version 4.0.9 (18. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Inline condition of $showFunctions variable changed to classic. |
/templates/components/products-item.phtml |
Version 4.0.8 (18. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Editing the notification in the page header _hdr_alert . |
/templates/components/header.phtml /templates/@layout.phtml |
Version 4.0.7 (18. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
In the banner, corrected for SLIDE - IMAGE, wrong entry of class in the image in the condition for $slider_settings->resize_type . |
/templates/components/banners.phtml |
Version 4.0.6 (14. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Error in class name _hdr_alert . Edited from the original class .alert-header . |
/templates/components/header.phtml |
Version 4.0.5 (14. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Added Add to Cart button in Recently Visited section. | /templates/components/products-last-visited.phtml |
Fixed the display of the text footer for the cover banner even when the short banner text is not displayed. | /templates/components/banners.phtml |
Version 4.0.4 (14. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Removwd class .d-xl-none from div .SearchShow |
/templates/components/header-toggled.phtml |
Changed the close icon for pop-ups to be more prominent. | /templates/components/popup.phtml |
Version 4.0.3 (13. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Error in position:fixed . Added !important . |
Default system styles |
Version 4.0.2 (13. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
The main cover banner now has a background image filter with no blend overlay and 60% opacity. Canceled image blur. | /templates/components/banners.phtml |
Modified input for entering the yardage in the product detail. Editing content in {block #length} . |
/templates/components/product-top-order.phtml |
Instead of class .ov used .abs within the display input type file. |
/templates/components/dynamic-form.phtml |
Version 4.0.1 (13. 4. 2023)
Change | Changed files |
Fixed the link to a specific product in the On inquiry popup for availability on the product comparison page. | /templates/Compare/view.phtml /scripts/common.js |
Adjusting the position of the slide when moving to the next slide in the main banner. | /templates/components/banners.phtml |
Version 4.0 (12. 4. 2023)
Availability of new Version 4.0 graphic templates in the Designer and code editor.